The demo version of Trinity Player and all associated files may be
freely distributed free of charge. You are not permitted to distribute
any of the files seperately, or if they have been modified by a third
party (ie. not me). The registered version of Trinity Player must not be distributed, doing so will break the law and make you liable for prosecution. Registered users may not use Trinity Player on any other machine but their own. Magazines: If you put Trinity Player on your cover disk/CD, you must notify me via email and send me the issue that TP appears on (CD version preferred). If you would like to distribute something in the main Trinity Player archive, then please send it to the author for inclusion in the main archive (it's upto the author if it may or may not be added to the main archive) - do not add it to the archive yourself, if you do, you'll be breaking the above condition. Amiga Format: Where the hell is me free issue? I saw TP on your coverdisc, but did you send me an issue? Did you even notify me? Like bollocks you did. Ya see your mag? I ain't buying it anymore, so there! (huh, and at �5.99/issue, huh huh huh hurrrr) |